
i'll give the credits to chez for introducing me to this sortakindalike tag thing. it's fun. and intruiging too.

so here: you're gonna ask me five questions. anything goes. just don't ask me f*cked up questions 'cause i might just track you down and shoot you. send it to my email 'cause i don't have a comment page here and the tagboard's downright small for that. in exchange, you have to tell me five things you cannot live without--give the reason why as well. remember: things!!! please don't give me food/water/yournamehere. also, leave a note if you want it privately answered or not. i might just post it here or send it to you by email.

e-add: bubblegum_1320@yahoo.com

to cuyeg:

a. it's just unnerving to have to pick five people when you care about more than just that number. so, (1) God [if He is considered a human being],(2) parents, (3)siblings,(4) friends, and (5)me. no, i'm not being conceited. it's just that sometimes, people don't leave others behind except their own selves. and it's what i'm trying hard not to do.
b. didn't i tell you? you're pretty. HAHA.
c. how? i don't know. for the only reason that i do not know who i'll end up with.
d. i hate failures. be it grades or other things.
e. what makes my day differ from what i need from that day per se. but a not so merciless circumstance would do just fine. then again maybe i just need a cup of coffee or something.:)

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