
this is what three consecutive exams about matrices, circuits, physics and a whole lot of numbers does to people: it makes them stupid with everything else. as for me, it's making me terribly illiterate.

the thing about it is, studying is easy. no matter how much profanities prove otherwise--exams are easy, anything to do with the facts are--if you know how to work your way into them. it's not something you cannot learn by yourself. it's not something that's not proven or understood by over a million people and by your prof that's prolly experiencing over two weeks long of menopause. having a 4.0 in a subject isn't as impossibly crazy or out of this world as being able to break space time continuoum. it's something everyone of us can do. people are just lazy, or whatever. we have our reasons that work the magic of escape.

but real life, unlike books, lessons, and exams, is entirely different. you can't just make your way out of a predicament as you can fake your way into creating your own theories by explaining like a self-righteous idealist. you can't just analyze and have a well constructed conclusion in a data & results kind-of-way as to why certain things happen when circumstances turn out of a corner you never thought was there in the first place. and it's funny how it turns out that the things that we really need to learn in life--things like, how to deal with the pain of losing someone. or that innocence just lasts right until you get to taste the bittersweet slice of the real world, or when you realize that 'and they all live happily ever after' aren't endings at all. you know, things we always ask with our tongues hidden behind our clenched teeth; how to make someone stay, how to say the truth without inflicting a massive blow, about love, friendship, relationships, and fighting like hell for the hope of a deserving life--are the ones not taught at school or are found in how-to-books. i guess it's the way with life that the things that really matter can't be merely explained by idealists or scientists or even writers like me.

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