
so this is the usual after-finals-slash-term-entry.

i could finally feel the summer coming in now, with its waves of sunlight and light blue skies. i could smell it in the air, like the unbelievable dry heat of late mornings and early afternoon hours. i could taste it from the ice cold milk teas i buy every now and then, hear it from people talking about roadtrips and getaways to somewhere entirely new and refreshing. somewhere better than last year of big adventures or many years ago of first loves and heartbreaks.

and as i see it from their eyes sparkling with excitement of memories they'll never forget, i remember mine of three months back and i begin to smile. for it was then i realized that i have been given circumstances which made me believe in a profound thing called fate. there have been obstacles that i fought and conquered for there were people who reminded me to never give up. and though there were times of hurt and doubt, i feel the love emanating more than i could ever imagine. there was you, and friends and family and a higher being i could only assume to be God who were guiding me step by step. there were plenty of reasons for me to smile and not a single one for me to even feel despair. there was life in full abundance.

so this is actually a tribute to unbelievable happiness and future memories. this is me telling you that i'm thankful, grateful and blessed to have you--each and everyone of you--in my life.<3

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