
i had my head up to the crimson colored sky. finding pictures and words when there is none.

the revving of engines and horns were the noise that kept me from believing i was somewhere else. my cell phone rang music that collided with the noise, and i was trying hard to comprehend my thoughts in between dreaming and reality. i watched the sky as sun gave way to the blanket of stars, enjoying the cool wind in this warmth of the summer. i felt the ground and the sky run its course, because the clouds that stole my eyes from everything else were like waves on canvas made by someone who had captured the very essence of it constantly shifting and changing. it never looked the same.

i was reminded then, as if the universe had somehow conspired to discipline me, amidst the flicker of building lights, and an airplane like a shooting star of red and white, that the world won't stop now, or any other time for anything or anyone. and any moment that brings about the feeling of the earth suddenly halting and forces breaking all the laws of time and space, would still become memories once a second has passed. and yet another. and the only thing crystallized were the things we wanted to be so. certain moments, words, or pictures that have meaning. that had life.

but even those things get old too.

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